Nicos Weg

 A Film Review by Alya Nadhira

How to become Successful at learning Deutsch very fast:

Travel to Deutschland and Lose your bag

alyandhr: 4,5/5

Nicos Weg

Directed by Steffen Mahnert ; Produced by Andreas Krug, Stefan Friese, René Kibrité ; Starring Tayfun Baydar, Beka Bediana, Lars Dickel, Sarah Hannemann, Wolfgang Schlößer, Catharina Sofie, Yeliz Simsek, Isabel Trimborn, Florian Wünsche, Alwin Eifler, Charley Ann ; Music by Marko Vinokic ; Cinematography by Victor Voß, Sabine Boehlck ; Edited by Katrin Ewald ; Production companies DW - Deutsche Welle [de] ; Distributed by Deutsch lernen mit der DW ; Release date March,19 2019 ; Running time 108 minutes ; Country Deutschland, Europe ; Language Deutsch.

Story / Synopsis:

Young Spanish man called Nico arrived at the airport in Germany. As he is taking a look around, he listens to a language course on headphones, with greetings in German. Then Emma comes up and starts talking to him. Nico is taking a look around the airport and absorbing the sights and sounds. As he leaves the airport he meets Emma again. And he suddenly realizes that his bag has vanished. With people coming and going and saying goodbye to each other around him, Nico doesn’t know what he should do. Then Emma and her aunt Lisa return and offer to help him.

Lisa and Emma hear from Nico why he has come to Germany, and they give him a ride into town. In the car, Emma arranges alphabet cookies to form her name and teaches Nico how to introduce himself in German.

While they are stuck in traffic, Emma and Lisa practice introductions with Nico. When Lisa stops at a gas station to fill up, Nico suddenly recognizes the cab that drove away with his bag in it. At the gas station, Nico stops the cab which he thinks has his bag inside. Lisa tries to calm the angry cab driver and introduces herself and Nico. 

Meanwhile Nico opens the trunk and find nothing. Lisa, Nico and Emma are about to drive on when Lisa runs into her friend Max. Max asks Nico who he is and where he’s comes from. When it becomes clear that Nico doesn’t know how to find his aunt, Max has an idea. 

Lisa phones her father who is in the police force. He says she is to bring Nico to the police station. Maybe her father can help Nico. Before going to the police station, Lisa and Nico take Emma to a children’s birthday party. On the way there, Nico draws Emma a picture with numbers, and Emma teaches Nico how to count to 12 in German. While Lisa is taking Emma to the door, Nico waits in the car, listening to the radio. When someone calls the radio and mentions a lost bag, Nico grabs Lisa’s cell phone and dials the number of the radio station. Lisa is exchanging phone numbers with Lotte’s mother when she suddenly hears Nico on the radio. Nico is trying to explain his problem to the radio presenter. Lisa runs to the car and grabs the phone out of his hand. 

At the police station, Lisa’s father asks Nico where he lives, his date of birth and passport number. He wants to help Nico. As Nico still doesn’t know where to find his aunt, Lisa takes him back to her shared apartment. Nico meets Lisa’s roommates, Sebastian and Nina, who are hanging fairy lights up in the courtyard. After they have introduced themselves, Lisa asks whether Nico can stay in the shared apartment for the next few days. In the apartment, Nico shows Nina and Sebastian the photo of his aunt Yara. While Nina is getting drinks for everyone, they all try to work out how Nico can find his aunt. 

Sebastian goes to get Nawin and introduces him to Nico. Since everyone is hungry, they decide to order pizza. The pizza delivery woman has arrived. Lisa pays the bill and Sebastian hands the pizzas around. When the roommates are sitting down to eat, Nico finds out why there’s going to be a party in the apartment that evening. 

Nico’s first morning in the shared apartment: Nico comes into the kitchen half asleep and is surprised to see Lisa racing around in a panic. Nina explains what’s wrong. Nico gets to learn the words for several objects. The lesson is over. Nico looks around the classroom while Lisa is on the phone to someone who has applied for Nawin’s room. The next applicant arrives. It quickly becomes clear that she has very particular ideas about life in a shared apartment. It’s also obvious that Lisa has a problem. Then they leave to begin the hunt for Yara’s shop. 

Lisa and Nico walk through the city looking for the address that someone Sebastian knows posted under the photo of Yara’s shop. But when they reach their destination they get a nasty surprise.

 In this film Nico experience many things about Deutsch, From the language, culture, and of course the food count in. Nico make the viewer's position like himself, totally lost in the foreign country literally don't have any idea what he gonna do, he lost his bag, he lost his passport, he lost his aunt address, he can't speak Deutsch fluently. How Nico survives? Because I love this learning series so much, I don’t wanna spoil it too much. I won't tell you in this blog please kindly watch to support and learn it by yourself click this link


I got a shock when my Liebling Frau gave me and my classmates this film link. You can guess it right? Yup, because of the film's duration, it takes more than an hour. Usually I just got three to ten minutes duration for learning video. Oh, and I realize that this is one of the film series about Deutsch that have been packaged in a fun way that is to watch by learning. This film has A1 material. Was ist das? This is what I can get from the film. 

From that part the film thought me to know how to greet other people, (e.g Hallo!) to ask people how they're doing, to say how you feel. And I know the basic word in Deutsch (e.g Kein Problem) Learning different ways to say goodbye. (e.g Tschüss!) Also learn the German alphabet, how to spell words in German and to ask for additional information and to ask people to repeat what they said. 

That “Ich haiße”  is the way to say what your name. Also I learn to ask others what their names are. There is word that repeat many times , that is “Das ist”, and it can be way how to introduce other people. Finally I can see how the real application in finding out other people personal pronouns such as Er, Sie, Du, etc. 

Like when we were kindergarten we learn how to count in Deutsch is zahlen von 1 bis 100, to count above 100 and of course “wichtige numern”that have a function to say how old you are somehow in this film Nico provide phone numbers with that. When Nico in the police station Nico learn and me of course learn differentiate between formal and informal methods of address also in smooth way Nico say how to provide more detailed personal information.

When they arrive in the shared appartement there is situations when Offering drink ( Was trinkst du?), and I see that the some Germans drinks even when the day light, oopsie. When they want to order food from a delivery service, every person got one pizza for their self, unlike us that love to share things together. 

Part that I love is Thareq restaurant, so authentic and of course there is a lesson how to order food in a restaurant, how to read out sums of money, how to pay a bill in a cafe or restaurant, to ask how much something costs. When the guests come here My favorite lesson is “Possessive Pronomen” is to say what belongs to you (or what doesn't), to say what belongs to whom.

I learn a several questions in Deutsch like Wie spät ist es?, Hast du morgen Zeit?, Wann spielen wir?, and Zu spät?! too. In this film talking about proffesions e.g Ich bin Lehrerin like Lisa. I love the part when Max shows Nico Yara’s bike shop. When Inge joins them to pick up Nico and go shopping, Max asks them to get something for him. And so Nico writes his first shopping list in German. As you can imagine from that scene I can see the Deutschland condition how’s the building like, and I can compare the food, minimarket, in Deutschland to Indonesia.

Die Deutsche Kultur very well composed in this film. I love to know that in Deutschland it’s a common thing to have a shared apartment with your best even a stranger. I realize that Germans very kind, helping, also welcoming to foreigners. Oh, I remember from the film that Germans prefer coke or soft drink than mineral water and of course their mineral water is ready to drink from the tap. Oh yes, when Lisa is ready to go that show me Germans are are very punctual. They also have a farewell party’s. What I love the most is when the food come out, I just want to taste it every time. When I watch the film there are many scenes that show German drink beer very often, and it's supported by the fact that Beer in Germany is an institution. You can easily call it the national drink. There are more than 5,000 types of beer and 1,200 breweries in Germany and while every city has one, Munich is is breaking all records.

Okay let’s continue the review, Big respect for the actors. They are showing emotion and seriousness like if anybody would matter about their performance in this nonsense story. The comedy part is when they are all speaking like a book, and also how the every germans knows english but just want Nico to suffer. But it goes quickly feom super simple sentences to more complex ones and I think that’s really good. It treats the learners like they’re intelligent, it helps people be more confident.I enjoy it very much. But sometimes it just doesn’t seem realistic Nico here be like “ I don’t know what door in Deutsch is but I know that some verbs are reflexive” lol. And Nico looked way too calm for someone who lost his luggage. 


Nicos Weg (Nico’s Way) is an interactive video course from Deutsche Welle (German Wave), a German international broadcasting company. Nicos Weg is actually comprised of three courses. The video lessons themselves follow a fictional character named Nico as he arrives in Germany from Spain and tries to learn German while starting a new life. The videos are completely in German and include German subtitles. The actors speak slowly and provide lots of context so you learn in an immersive environment just as if you’d moved to Germany yourself.

Das ist alles!

Hope you like and enjoy my review




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