All About Me

                              All About Alya                                 

Hi Everyone In this post I will tell all things about me. First my name right? you can call me alya or nadhira but I prefer to be called as alya. 

What is next?
Of course, my age, I am 15th years old. I was born in Bandung at 19 April 2004. In this year I enter  3 senior high school at Belitung Street number 8.

As you can see I am sundanese people, I born, I live, in beautiful city called Bandung. But I still have melayu blood from my mother. Because of that I can speak Sunda, Melayu especially Palembang, Indonesia, and a little bit English language.
I want to tell you about my childhood. I grew up normal like another kid, but I had much experience at fallen. From stairs, chair, bed of course, because went I fell asleep I can't stay still in the area where I sleep. Until now I don't know why :(

When I was kindergarten, I think I am born with natural magic in my blood , I’ll tell you why. One time I just bought a necklace with an aurora picture hanging on. I just think I can do a magic on my little sister, I believe that I can do hypnotize like on the TV shows. So I take my necklace and spinning it around my little sister. And then she fell asleep in a second. And I scream around happily, and guess what happened next? I just hear my little sister cried so loud. It was ended by yelling from my mother, because she thinks I annoy my little  sister. That was the end of my magic career. But I still confused why my little sister fell asleep, maybe I really a hidden witch. I hope someday I can show the world the real me. 


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